Friday, December 22, 2006

I am *TOTALLY* in love with Shawn!

My husband is one of the most SUPER COOL guys I know -- which is good thing, since I married him! He's practical and is blessed with smarts, looks, and a sense of adventure (which I share and would like to further exploit so we don't get bored in our old age). Simply put, I adore him!

This picture was taken on the twisty-turny Sugar River in southern Wisconsin. The day started out great (nice weather, nice water depth, I came head-to-head with a huge buck in the middle of the river as I quietly glided around a curve) and ended 6+ hours later with a paddle through a nasty mud lake where I had to get out and walk in mud past my knees to get my boat into a paddle-able depth. I was pissy and mad, but Shawn (as always) talked me through it and calmed me down. Everyone was BEAT after that trip!

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