The honest truth is that I am not referring to my scatological comings and goings (mostly goings), but to the irregular nature of my "pattyfabulous is just that" blog activities.
Who knew blogging took up so much time? With work and the new adventure of school kicking my shorts into midnight four nights a week (whoever even suggests that Capella is a diploma mill is welcome to stop by and write papers with me any time!), I barely have time to scoop cat boxes, exercise, and see my darling Shawn.
Gentle reader - I hope you'll forgive my delay in posting:
- parts 2 through ? of with stories of our Mexican vacation,
- highlights of my last kayaking adventure
- how much I frickin' love Bert Summers (and you ask "who the hell is he?")
- my very own reviews of cheese, local restaurants, beer, school courses, and more!
It will come...just not as fast as a "professional" blogger would deliver.